#FWF Free Write Friday; M is for Mom


Our mom was my brother and my step-mom. She was the glue that held the family together.

When she passed away in 2000, our little family slowly fell apart. Dad became lost in his own sorrows for a few years.

I never knew what to say or how to comfort and soon time separated us more and more.

It shouldn’t have been that way, but life has a funny way of helping us to either make or not through loss of parents.

I think my brother, Al suffered the most. His  suffering wasn’t done like ours by talking about her and memories. His was done internally. Somewhere inside of his head and heart he built a shell as hard as a walnut.

He became more distant from all of us. He buried himself in coca cola and things that he should have strayed away from. Pretty soon it was evident that our family had come unglued.

I didn’t realize it for a long time that a lot of my own personal problems were due to the lack of being able to go to Mom’s house and talk to her. I didn’t realize that I had counted on her that much in my life.

She and I were never close like chocolate and milk. We were more like apples and pears. I hadn’t seen that through the years that I was growing up. I had omitted to let her know how much she meant to me and how thankful I was that she took us two kids in under her wings.

That has to be tough for parents. I have never taken kids  in to raise as my own. I do know that I have children in my family that aren’t what people call blood related but I fell in love with them as if they were. I always include them when I speak of my grandkids. I don’t see them any other way.

But for a Mom or Dad to take this role on day after day after year I assume there has to be some big adjustment times for adult and child.

Today was a day from hell for my brother. Although his Parkinson’s has brought about some dementia with it and no matter how badly he hurts physically, he never forgets our Mom.

He was really sad today. The real truth is he misses her just as much now as he did years ago when she went to heaven. Mom’s birthday is three days after Mother’s Day and so to him it is a double whammy. I tried so hard to console him today but I know in my heart that he will have to work through this alone.

I know my heart feels the void and there are still many times I want to go to the phone and dial her number, but alas, I can not.

Mom, I never told you this too often. Most likely it was because I was a stubborn brat and didn’t want to admit I may be wrong. I love you Mom. I know I caused you grief. You had your hands full with a full-time job, a new husband, and two new kids. I want you to know how sorry I am.

I am so certain that you and Dad watch over Al and me even now. I hope that you both are proud of how I have cared for my baby brother. I hope you are both smiling down on us. I love you Dad and I miss you so much. I love you Mom and I am sending you hugs from this earth up to you. I will see you soon enough and then I will give you a real big hug. Happy Mother’s Day Mom. You certainly earned your title.

Love, Your Daughter

Terryme and brother










29 thoughts on “#FWF Free Write Friday; M is for Mom

  1. Terry … I feel your pain as well as your brother’s. I am the last of the line so to speak, an only child born late in life to older parents who both crossed over many years ago, no children of my own … holidays are particularly difficult. I miss my Mother every day.


  2. Oh Terry. Thank you for this. I appreciate your sharing and your heart.

    By the way… these are perfect words as to my mother and me:
    “She and I were never close like chocolate and milk. We were more like apples and pears.”


    • thank you so much Charles for your comment. I really appreciate the link, for which I have left a comment there for you. Stop by anytime my friend


  3. heartfelt memory… I too, have had a bit of “missingMom” tinges today…It is always bitteresweet… remembering when they were here to talk to …and now gone…I just thankGod I had her for the many years I did…Best to you Terry…and Al too… Try and enjoy “your” day…


  4. You always speak the truth and straight from your heart. I know from your posts that things were difficult at times between your mom (step-mom) and you, but here it seems you are more at peace with it all. We are all proud of you, Terry… And so are they. Btw, how cute are you guys in that photo–love photos!
    A ❤


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