A phone call, an email, a card. Such little things make a huge difference in people’s lives. Many live alone, sometimes seeing no one. Maybe a knock at their door, with a delivery of a meal. Too quiet and too tired to eat. Feed it to a dog. Get a blanket and lie down for a spell. Legs are cold, feet are blue. Not much movement in this old body. A youthful girl worked hard all her life. Worked the fields. Used every muscle given to her. Worked with her hands later in life. Sewing with her fingers, making bandages for soldiers. Working from dawn to dusk. Got married. Married a lad she met at the factory. Marriage taught her to put her needs a side, taught her to never say no to her man. Learned to stoke the fire. Cook, scale a fish, knead the bread, heat the water, give a bath, soothe the ill. Plow the field. Hang the clothes. Busy all day long, tired at the end of the day. Not a tired like now, but a good tired, she thought. Ready to lay her head down, a sleep that was sound. Now restless, sleep off and on all day. Too tired to bathe, too tired to cook. Long hair a mess. Haven’t changed clothes. This is not what we should expect at the end of our days. Make a point to make a phone call, send an email, or send a card. Make a visit. These people helped us do what we do today….terry shepherd


  1. Terry, so true what you are saying here … I’m so bad on making those phone calls. When I lived abroad I was always talking to friends … sending cards and emails – now … ZERO. Don’t know what has happen, before I worked like a maniac – and still had time over. Today I own all my time and nothing. You really made me think and back home at my place …. I will make those phone calls.


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