very Inspiring Blogger Award

has nominated me for this award.very-inspiring-blogger-award

Here is some information about this blog.

  1. I am a lousy dancer. I can’t dance. That always seems to amaze people and I am always amazed that they thought I could dance in the first place! After all, I don’t think I even look coordinated or graceful enough to dance.
  2. I love animals of all kind. I have a dog and a cat, but have had ducks, chickens, turtles, hamsters, parakeets and iguanas as a child. I’ve been bitten by many different animals, including a snake (I had socks on my hands for protection lol) and even a mole!
  3. I have a hard time letting go of things, including items, relationships and even jobs, which often keeps me holding on to things far too long.
  4. I’ve been known to cry during emotional movies, speeches and music although I typically hide it because I am usually the only one tearing up, but I get that from my mother.
  5. I am very unorganized in everything I do, including thinking! It’s the artist in me, I know it. I live in chaos which is usually okay and helps sparks creativity,  except when people around me expect me to be organized.
  6. I fell in love with books during the 8th grade when I was harassing a girl I liked and took her book. I meant to give it back, but never did. I got bored one day and started reading it and that was it! I became an avid reader from that day forward even when reading books that weren’t assigned to you wasn’t considered cool for boys.
  7. I got into psychology through my writing. I love to write, especially fiction and I used to go to the bookstore and read psychology books to try to create better, more dynamic characters, and I took my first psychology courses in college for the same reason. I was planning on being an English major, but I ended up falling in love with psychology

About Me

Torey Richards, LMHC

Hi, thanks for taking the time to get to know me!

I am a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) in the state of Florida currently specializing in substance abuse, mental disorders and adolescent mental health.

I’ve been working in the area of substance abuse since 2006 and assessment and diagnosis since 2007.

I received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Central Florida in 2002, and a M.S. in Counseling & Psychology from Troy State University in 2007.

I spent a year working in both an inpatient and outpatient substance abuse facility and three years working in a psychiatric hospital.

I currently work in an inner-city high school providing individual, group and family counseling. I also work in private practice dealing mostly with adolescents and their families dealing with various challenges.

My theoretical orientation is eclectic with strong influences from cognitive behavioral, existential, rational behavioral, motivational interviewing, and acceptance & commitment therapy.

I am an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction books. I also enjoy working out, writing, photography and drawing in my spare time.

Thank- you so much Torey.

Nominations are for;

Harold Green




My Heart Is Bursting

I have just received the news that I was awarded two more awards from The Prodigal Daughter

The two awards are The Beautiful Blogger Awardbeautiful-blogger-award2 and the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.very-inspiring-blogger-award




Here is a slice of who the Prodigal Daughter is

We all are lost and wastefully extravagant. We demand of our Father the nicest of all things to be given us…getting ahead of the One who knows best.

In our stupor we stumble and go hungry but just when we thought we lost everything, our Heavenly Father remains faithful…and waiting.

How many times have we failed? How many times have we sinned? How many times have we returned back home to a delightful Father waiting with open arms? God isn’t counting. He delights to see us . All it takes is a sincere repentance and we’re accepted in His family once again.

Our Father celebrates our return over and over and over again. We are redeemed and prodigal no more.

Luke 15:11-32


Here are the rules of the award:

1 . Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Thanks and link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 7-15 bloggers for this award.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

Thank-you so much my dear friend for these awards

Seven things about myself

1. I do one load of laundry per week

2. I love to sit in my swing in the early evenings of the year

3. I have a dishwasher but barely use it

4. I love the reruns; Mash and I Love Lucy and Golden Girls

4. I am an American Idol fan but not as strong this year with new judges

5. I love to watch 20/20 and Dateline

6. My favorite television stations are Nick-at-Nite and Hallmark

7. A couple of my favorite actresses are Betty White, and Julia Roberts

Nominations are



lenwilliamscarver x






Beyond Back Creek



Blogging Awards

Jen over at

has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Bloggers Award. Thank-you so much Jen!

Here is a peek at what Jen represents.

Very Inspiring Blogging Award


Ute is whom I woke up to this morning. When I realized she had nominated me for this award, I smiled.

To know that there are some who think I inspire them is truly a gift given to me.

To me, I am no one special. I write from my heart and soul only. I want to thank Ute and others who have nominated me for this, letting me know that my words are worthy or writing.

About utesmile

Love life, music and dance. Live today as for tomorrow it will be all history!

The Rules:

1] Link back to the person who nominated you

2] Post the award image on your page

3] Tell seven random fact about yourself

4] Nominate fifteen other blogs

1. I am left-handed, and so is my brother

2. I love Christmas trees in my house all year round

3. I don’t get all hyped up about the New Year coming end

4. I love the Victorian era and costume jewelry

5. I want to own one old baby doll before I retire to my coffin

6. I fall asleep to Nick At Nite every single night

7. I sleep with the fan blowing on me 365 days a year

Nominations are;


Melissa (Just Enough Sugar)


linesbylinda x

Vickie Fulford


Very Inspiring Blogger Award

This beautiful blogger has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.very-inspiring-blogger-award

Here is what Tazein is all about.

My name is Tazein Mirza Saad.I am among you,  you know me,we all exist together on this planet!! My story is a very painful chapter in my life- finally, after struggling for 20 years, God came for me!!With Him at my side, every last trace of  fear left me and I started my journey as a writer!! I am blessed by you all, dear readers, who identify with my feelings,God bless every one!Hold my hand, dear readers, as we aim to find the most important thing in life- ourselves- find your self- every thing will fall in place.If you are suffering and alone, no one is helping you,reflect upon this fact:God loves you a lot,He is testing your faith in Him,He knows you can handle it!!Pain is the best teacher of all- something inside us changes for ever, we become stronger- our spirit shines!May we all gain Wisdom in this journey of life!!We will experience true bliss, contentment and happiness along the way!!Get, set, go!!

Thank-you so much for this beautiful nomination and award.

I am to say seven things about myself.

1. I hate being cold. On this terribly blustery day I wish I was a bear hibernating somewhere.

2. I ask all to pray that my brother enjoys his visit here at home for Christmas

3. When the first of the year arrives, I am going to look at it as new and try to move forth in my life, if the snow allows me to drive

4. I am about half-way done editing my first book.

5. I have begun writing my second book

6. I have to read the instructions on what day to set my turkey in the refrigerator to thaw it out. You would think I would know it by heart at my age.

7. I have to have my blood drawn the day after Christmas for my diabetic check-up. I think this is terrible, the day after? How am I going to eat and enjoy the day?

Nominations are;

Daily Prompt: Live to Eat | Stuph Blog


Island Traveler



Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Awards are given when people enjoy and appreciate your words. There are many beautiful awards and I have been awarded the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by; Thank-you Jacquie.

There are usually a few rules that come with awards and the rules for this award are;

thank and link back to the blogger that has nominated you, then post the award logo to your blog, write a post on the nomination and nominate 15 (or less if you have less) other very inspiring bloggers, notify them and then tell them 7 things about yourself.very-inspiring-blogger-award

Nominations are;





Thank-you for this award!


Very Inspiring Blog Award Nomination

I was nominated today for this beautiful award. It was the icing on the cake for my day.very-inspiring-blogger-award

I reached down yesterday to pick up two sacks Al wanted me to bring home. I stretched a little but no big deal right? Wrong! I had to go to the grocery store after Al and my visit. As I was taking items out of the cart and placing them on the check out belt, I could barely reach into the deep cart. Pain seared through my shoulder and down my arm. I knew that I had injured the same nerve in my back and it had radiated its way enough to let me know that I had done bad.

Last evening I sat or laid most of the night. I babied it, medicated it with all I had available here at home. I could not sleep at my usual time. At five this morning, after more medications I finally fell asleep. I was woken by the phone at ten. I am sure I sounded like the town drunk as I walked through fog to make my part of the conversation human.

I slept most of the day. I woke up still sleepy but my body was trying to tell me that I was always awake at this time. I tried moving but ended back on the couch. Now I am awake obviously, or my spirit is writing without me! I have a smidgeon of pain but can move.

Here is a partial piece of the blogger who nominated me.

Bienvenidos a mi Blog, y gracias por interesarse en mis escritos.

Aqui encontraran mis pensamientos expresados en una variedad de escritos como Poemas, Cuentos, mis secciones Reflexiones Personales, Personal Thoughts y From the Heart, tambien escritos de editorial con temas de interes para compartir y discutir, espero les agrade.

Thank-you so much for this nomination.

I would like to place a few names here for nominations myself.

Starting with in no certain order;

Janet Williams


My Sharing with Terry | maxim sense

Nominees, please state seven things about yourself. Please give your respects to the one who nominated you by mentioning blog on your own post.

Please nominate others whom you feel would love to have this also.

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Aina, is such a sweet friend of mine. She is from Hawaii, and has a blog based on life, love, and poetry. She always ask about Al and always sends him her love with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. You are supposed to tell seven things about yourself, but you all know too much about me, and I am finding that you may be learning too much. I have shown much weakness lately. I think I am just tired, so trying to place a smile on my face more often, and pray even harder to keep my spirits up.

I will tell you that tonight, for the first time since I have moved back here, my son and his family, Al and me took Al’s new scooter and we all walked a path that was made for walking and seeing the beauty of God’s earth. Tomorrow, I will post the pictures for you to see.

For my nomination I would like to give this to

Paula is a new blogger friend of mine. She is a strong christian and I have already fallen in love with her blogs.

Thank you again, my dear Aina.!!!!!

Kreativ Blogger and Very Inspiring Blogging Award

I was trying to reach out to all of my emails. I am dragging behind, not by choice, but getting everything done for Al’s birthday has very much consumed my time this week. I am sorry, and will get back on track. I don’t mean to ignore any of you. I came to one of my comments and discovered I had been awarded these two awards by

She has an amazing blog. She is a strong Christian and takes wonderful photos. Check out her blog






There is nothing left for me to tell you about myself. you know all about me by now, so I would like to nominate some new friends I have made on here:

Thank you Francine. This means a lot to me!!!

Oh, I can tell you one thing about me. I have shopped for so many days for this birthday party, that I can actually say, I don’t want to see another store for some time! Did I say that?

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Terri nominated me for this wonderful award. She believes that I am inspiring to others. I often feel that my stories are sad. Although true to the word, sad. If I am inspiring others, it is through a connection you and I share with caring for others with mental illness, and physical illness. Thank you Terri for this heart felt award. Life is not all happy and giggles. Sometimes life is filled with grief, and despair. Disappointments and sorrows. Through our journey’s of life, unexpected tragedies and sorrow can once again bring us closer to God.


You all know by now who and what I am about.

I feel pain, when my children are hurting

If I receive an unknown phone number call, I answer it in a foreign voice

I love to watch my brother sneak into the cookie jar to grab a cookie, and turn around to see if I am watching, and if I am , he grins real big at me

I love orderliness. I often think God gives me these challenges to show me I can deal with a little mess


For my nominations I would love to tell you about  for her compassion about life  she writes beautiful, heart felt poetry  she is so strong in her faith. it is an honor to read her blogs


These are just a few I would like to mention

Thank you again Terri